Transgender Voice Services: What does it involve? (Hint: MORE than just pitch!)
When treating the transgender population it is different than other voice clients we may see. Why? Because for one, it's elective. These...
Transgender Voice Services: What does it involve? (Hint: MORE than just pitch!)
Flow Phonation!
What are "sensory" tricks for spasmodic dysphonia and how can you use these tricks functionally?
Quick tips for managing your voice symptoms or keeping your voice healthy!
It's World Voice Day! How to Appreciate Your Voice with a Chronic Communication Disorder
Spasmodic Dysphonia Treatment
Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) - What is it and how is it treated?
Use a straw to get a smoother voice? How?
Speech Language Pathologist? Speech Therapist? Voice Therapist? What's the difference?
What is speech versus voice versus language? How does it all work?